Seeing double! Post and Go at Midpex 6th July 2013

6th July 2013 and the latest stop on the ‘Post and Go’ world tour brings two Royal Mail Post and Go machines (A3 and A4) to the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre. A surprise though that two machines (rather than the advertised single machine) have been provided to satisfy Dealers (and even a few collectors) needs.

Both machines are loaded with the latest issue of Post & Go Freshwater Life “Lakes” Stamps creating the first opportunity to obtain this issue printed on a Hytech Machine (other than those issued in Pack or FDC format).
In addition to the Post and Go stamps – ‘Midpex’ themed Post and Go Smilers have been issued. 

Available in our Ebay shop Here:-


Left- Screen shot showing the selections available – ‘Lakes’ and ‘Machin’.









Post and Go Tour Dates 2013


At least one Post and Go machine will be in attendance along with “Instant Smilers” facilities with a custom sheet with a ‘first’ image related to the venue.

‘Overprints’ are only offered at shows with a National or International significance.


The confirmed tour dates for the Post and Go tour 2013 are:-

[event-list initial_date=2013  show_nav=false]