Ludgate Circus~First and Last Day!

The existing single Post And Go machine at Ludgate Circus Crown Office was decommissioned just before midday today.

In an adjoining ‘ Windowless Room’ accessable from Tudor Street four new machines have been installed. These machines accept Card Payments ONLY (No Cash).
The branch number appearing on Faststamps and labels is 242007 (- Which suggests that the ‘owning branch is 136 Southwark Bridge Road).

Ludgate Circus Crown Office will close tomorrow (22nd April 2009).

Below-The decomissioned Ludgate Circus Post and Go machine.

Ludgate Circus~A New Breed Pt Two-Next

As has been widely publicised, The Post Office at Ludgate Circus EC4, which currently has one Post and Go kiosk is to be closed and replaced by “the provision of some self-service mailing facilities” as explained here

It is now understood that the new facilty will be four NEW Post and Go machines, and will feature payment by Debit Card ONLY- No Cash will be acceptable.

These machines will have a Office Code DIFFERENT to that currently used and so the current Ludgate Circus Machine will cease to be used, making the Labels and Faststamps currently generated most desirable..