Royal Mail announce new Post and Go Values from 31st March 2014
Royal Mail have confirmed the new values that will be available from Post and Go kiosks from the prices changes this month. Via their ‘micro site’ they have confirmed that the current ’10g’ and ’40g’ Worldwide values will be replaced by 60g Europe and 60g Worldwide values- an increase of £1 in the price of a Collectors Strip.
[table caption=”Post and Go ” width=”500″ colwidth=”” colalign=””]
no,Existing Value,Old Price,Updated Value, New Price
1,1st Class,60p,1st Class,62p
2,1st Class Large,90p,1st Class Large,93p
3,Europe 20g,88p,Europe 20g,97p
4,Worldwide 10g,88p,Europe 60g,£1.47
5,Worldwide 20g,£1.28,Worldwide 20g,£1.28
6,Worldwide 40g,£1.88, Worldwide 60g,£2.15
7, TOTAL,£6.42,NEW TOTAL, £7.42 [/table]
These new values will be available from Wincor or NCR kiosks situated in Post Offices throughout the UK, or from Royal Mail kiosks via their ‘philatelic exhibition program’ or their fixed sites from 31st March 2014 onwards , either singly or as part of an updated ‘collectors strip’ format. The withdrawal of the 10g and 40g values is likely to produce some rarities in the next few weeks – with certain issues/varieties only being available in limited numbers and locations.

10g Worldwide NVI Stamp-to be retired