Royal Mail Brexit Tariff change 1st January 2021

Royal Mail today announced significant increases in the cost of Inland Letter mail and simplification via the removal of weight steps for international letters to take effect from 1st January 2021

1st class inland rises from 76p to 88p and 1st Class large rises from £1.15 to £1.29

For International Letters the 20g Europe weight step has been removed – a single weight step 100g and under now applies to all European Letters with a corresponding increase to the cost of posting those letters to £1.70.

For Worldwide Letters, the three existing zones have been removed with a single tariff of £2.55 applying for items over 20g but equal to or under 100g. For items 20g or under the same £1.70 tariff as European 100g rate applies.
This simplifies the values required for international letters to £1.70 and £2.55, which is likely to be reflected in future commemorative issues.

With a standard 1st Class set of four values, Royal Mail has taken the opportunity to add the two ‘missing’ International Large Letter rates for Europe and International Large Letters of £3.25 and £4.20 , resulting in a eye watering cost of £13.84 for the 1st class collectors strip.

Each of these new rates will now be reflected in the SSK and RM Museum 1st class collectors strip with corresponding Machins issued or reissued.

All Post and Go stamps will be available individually from the day of issue with all dashes removed, which will please collectors and dealers alike.

Some of the newer, smaller Post Office outlets recently trialed with single SSKs could, of course, be open on Jan 1st, so a first day strip is not beyond a possibility, as well as a first day listing on Ebay.

BPMA 1st Class on 2nd Class Error-Not a real swap (sic)

The BPMA – 80th Anniversary of Inland Airmail -1st Class on 2nd Class Reel ERROR

The BPMA are currently marking the ’80th Anniversary of Inland Airmail’ (between 20th August and 20th October 2014) with a special overprint on their A001 Post & Go machine. The 1st and 2nd Class stamps carry an updated ‘overprint’ which includes a ‘Inland Airmail 1934’ plus an ‘Inland Airmail’ logo. So far , A001 has been vending second class Machin Stamps (bright blue – year code MAI2) from one roll and first class Machin Stamps (olive brown – both no year code ‘MAIL’ and year code MAI3 have been available) from the other. Initially the initial configuration was to vend a second class collectors strip of six consisting of 3x2nd Letter and 3x2nd Large but this was available for a few days only. Subsequently, the machine software was modified to vend just a strip two – 2nd and 2nd Large.

New Error

As part of this and subsequent software modifications a further ‘incorrect’ setting arose – known as a ‘Carousel error’- where incorrect stamps are added to the ‘Carousel’ that customers select to purchase their stamps. In this case those stamps that are added to the 2nd Class carousel in error (the 1st Class Letter and 1st Class Large Letter Stamps) meant that they were incorrectly dispensed from the 2nd Class reel – but all other purchases were unaffected. This meant that many collectors had visited the BMPA machine, purchased their Collectors Strips (which would have been printed normally) not noticing this error for the many days it had existed. It is known that a dealer from Germany and one from the Netherlands who purchased single stamps had not noticed the error until later as all of their collectors strips had been printed in the correct way on the correct reels . As this is not a ‘reel’ swap then only 1st class and 1st Class Large values exist printed in this way and ‘collectors Pairs’ of differing values cannot exist (as they would have been printed normally). So far only single stamps have appeared on Ebay although multiples of the same value could exist as well .