Font upgrade for Post and Go Kiosks starts at Ludgate!

On April 1st 2011, The roll out of the ‘Type 2’ font commenced with the upgrade of Kiosks Nos. 1-3 at the Ludgate Circus ‘Tudor Street’ self-service facility. Shown is a last and first day cover showing the adjacent session numbers of the stamps vended either side of the upgrade. The upgrade have continued throughout this week, with those sites in London not already upgraded to the Type 2 receiving the new font.

Birds 3 Post and Go faststamps to go nationwide!

Exclusive!- It has today been confirmed by Royal Mail that the Post and Go Birds 3 Faststamps to be issued on May 19th 2011 will be available from all Post Office branches  equipped with Post and Go kiosks.

Our full list of kiosks is available here

The third set depicts the birds that can be found on or close to Britain’s lakes, rivers and streams and are shown below:-




Hastings Post and Go kiosk resurfaces in Farringdon Road, EC1

Farringdon Road, London Ec1 Post Office has just moved down towards Farringdon station. The new branch has been totally refurbished to the latest standard and includes a Post and Go Kiosk…

Upon enquiry with the staff it was confirmed that the kioks is the one orginally installed at Hastings Old Town Post Office but with a new branch code of 100003 and the counter reset- Note the font has not been upgraded to the new, condensed  style.


We are offering for sale a mint strip of 5 , complete with relevent receipt.




Hytech Postalvision Stampex Machin ‘Post and Go Stamps’ First Day Cover

We have now received the First Day Covers back from the handstamping centre from last weeks Stampex trial of Hytechs Postalvision equipment, which produces slightly different versions of the Machin Post and Go Stamp (detailed below) . These are available for purchase  in our ATM shop as well as via  Ebay.

Hytech Postal Vision Trial in full swing at Spring Stampex

The Trial of Hytech “Postalvision” Post and Go kiosks is currently in full swing at the Spring Stampex in London. On the first and second days the two machines did brisk business with collectors keen to obtain examples of the unique Machin strips that were available.

The Hytech machines use the familar Machin head Post and Go stamps, vending the ‘collectors strip’ of 5 values similar to the Wincor-Nixdorf  kiosks but the machine IDs are two digit (instead of  single digit  ) –

machines 21 and 22 are in use.

   The session id is six digit (Instead of five). The ‘Branch Code’ is set to the year as is usual in an exibition setting of 002011.

Examples are available for sale via our Ebay shop or using our ATM shop.



Spring Stampex 2011 promises new varieties for Post label collectors

Royal Mail have indicated that as part of the ongoing development of Post & Go they are planning to trial a new machine at Stampex next week in place of the standard Wincor Post and Go machine.

The information provided states “The trial machine will  not provide the usual  self-service functionality and so will be operated by staff at the counter positions. It will only vend a full set of overprints on the Machin design stamps. The overprints have the same typeface as the Wincor offering and so will only appeal to specialist collectors. ”

RM have said that they may be able to offer the pictorial Birds 2 version as well depending on availability of a second machine and space constraints.

Information continues stating “We are trialling the machine with a view to installation in Tallents House to provide a more effective offering to the trade when larger quantities are required for new issues. Depending on the suitability of the machines they may also be installed in post offices at some point in the future but there is no planned installation programme to date.”

So a very interesting Stampex in store for postage label collectors- Watch this space for the latest new on these developments..

Horizon Label overprint ‘dashed and slashed’ resulting in Welsh truncations!

In what appears to be  software changes to the Post Office counter printer software, which became visible around 30th December 2010, the “date seperator” overprinted on the Horizon Postage label has changed from ‘-‘  back to its ‘Horizon’ setting of   ‘/’. Thus giving a new date format of dd/mm/yy.

As well as the chnages to the format of the printed date , this change appears also to have had the effect in some Welsh branches  with the bilingual version of the overprint of causing the ‘l’ of Post Brenhinol (The Welsh equivalent of ‘Royal Mail’)  to be omitted from all labels printed in those offices that print the Bilingual version of the Horizon Postage Label in Wales. This has resulted in labels issued with the text  “Post Brenhino ”

It will be interesting to see how long this configuration lasts. Watch this space..

Birds Of Britain 2 Post & Go Stamps~Ludgate Circus First Day Cover

Here is the First Day Covers supplied to our registered customers for the recent Post and Go ‘Birds of Britain 2’ issue. It contains a full set of Post and Go stamps issued at the Ludgate Circus, London EC4 ( kiosk No.4) and cancelled with the ‘London EC’ postmark..  These were only available on the first day of issue from this location. The first day covers are now sold out; Mint sets are available here and here.

Machin Post and Go Faststamps Set of Five ~ For Sale~ ATM Shop

Machin Head Post and Go stamps have been dispensed from Wincor-Nixdorf kiosks in the UK since 2008.
There are two versions of the print – one printed by the kiosk at Post Offices across the UK and another press-printed version of the original font set available from the Philatelic Bureau at Tallents House in a presentation card.
The labels can be obtained with 5 different service indicators: 1st class & 1st class Large up to 100gr, Europe up to 20gr, Worldwide up to 10gr and 20gr, singly or in strips of up to 5 of the same value or various values.
For those that are printed by machine there are two further versions of the oveprint- original and updated font (see below) , for these we supply a strip of the five different values currently available in a special ‘collectors strip’ and offer a choice of machine code (when available) and font.



During 2009, In preparation for the pending issue of Pictorial (Birds) Faststamps some 32 Post Office branches had their kiosks’ software upgraded which resulted in the repositioning and resizing of the font.
Postage is FREE to all worldwide destinations~ We ship anywhere! click here to purchase ;
Click here to purchase
Select the strip required and click ‘add to cart’:-

Hastings Old Town “Essentials” Post and Go kiosk is on the move..

. . Thanks to a correspondent to this blog, who has reported that the Post and Go kiosk installed at the Premier store at Hastings, Old Town in 2008 was this week removed for  installation in ‘pastures new’ In latter times it appeared to be rather ‘unloved’ hidden behind some crisp boxes and rather under utilised~ This is a great shame as the mantra here obviously is ‘use it or lose it’ and it appears that the good citizens of Hastings, Old Town have lost their machine. It just remains to be seen where this particular kiosk ‘resurfaces’- watch this space.

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