Roll Up Roll Up -Welcome to the (Ludgate) Circus- Wincor MA13 Flags, Machins and Robins in one place!

A surprise appearance of not one ,not two but three Wincor-Nixdorf printed MA13 Post and Stamps has occurred in the unique Self-service  branch- at Tudor Street, Ludgate Circus, London EC1.

The latest printings appear to have been installed in the last few days, a visit earlier this week has revealed.

It certainly is an interesting development and has provided the last variants of the MA13 Post and Go stamps in the operational ‘Wincor’ format.

Machine 1 – Christmas Robins MA13

Machine 2 – Union Flag MA13

Machine 3 -Machin MA13

“Post and Go” for the masses- Christmas Stamp Shops “Pop-Up” near you

Royal Mail have announced to the philatelic trade that they will be partnering with Post Office Ltd to provide an innovative way of purchasing this years Christmas stamps, Royal Mail Post and Go Instant Smilers  as well as providing some unique Post and Go stamps.

Commencing this week in Newcastle (20th November) and then moving to Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, crossing  the Welsh border into Cardiff before proceeding to the metropolis via Croydon onwards to London’s’  Covent Garden and finally  Shepherds Bush (Final Day 19th December) this year pop up ‘Christmas Stamp Shops’ will operate from the “back of a lorry trailer.” (see opposite for dates)

The trailer will comprise of a unique environment to compose and purchase this year various Christmas Smilers (in newly upgraded ‘sheets of 20 format)  – a ‘Winter Wonderland’ effect which will be partnered with the now familiar ‘Royal Mail Series One ‘ (Otherwise known as ‘Hytech’) machines A3 and A4, vending  ‘Christmas Robins’ and (by popular demand) 2nd Class Post and Go Stamps.

The Xmas Robins are likely to be MA13 versions and there is a possibility that the 2nd Class Post and Go stamps are of a new MA13 printing too , as it is understood that the original printing has been ‘ring-fenced’ for the new Post Office machines (due next year). Also as previously announced, Post Office outlets will not include any overprint. The only difference between the different sites is likely to be the receipts  (Possibility  of a bilingual version in Cardiff/Wales?).

It is worth noting that these ‘outlets’ do not appear to be ‘Post Offices’ in the true sense -so no Horizon,no  Datestamps and no mouthwatering ‘items from the stock centre’  as appeared in Camden Town last  year,- it is more likely that there will be signposts ‘to the nearest Post Office’ for customer wanting the more traditional Post Office service.

So this years Pop-Ups look like they are building on the successes of last year (unique offerings) and  responding to the feedback around ‘difficult to find’ by placing them in central shopping locations in England ,Scotland and Wales- ‘Post and Go for the masses !- something we applaud..


Post and Goes East- Philakorea 2014

During Autumn Stampex Royal Mail announced their intention to take the ‘Post and Go Roadshow’ to another international stamp exhibition ‘ PhilaKorea ‘ in 2014.

The international show, sponsored by Korea Post takes place August 7th- August 12th 2014. (6 Days) in the ‘COEX Hall’, Seoul.

A similar set-up to that used in Australia in 2013 is expected, along with a suitable overprint (including  ‘KR’ origin code) . Mirroring the 2013 Australian Stamp Expo , It is expected that ‘GB’ versions of the Post and Go stamps will be available from the Philatelic Bureau.



Post and Go Services at Autumn Stampex 2013

Autumn Stampex 2013 has just closed its doors, taking place between the dates of 18th-21st September at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London N1.


Royal Mail provided the now familiar configuration of Post and Go ”Royal Mail Series One’ machines Nos. A2, A3,A4  along with a “Instant Smiler ” printer.

They all have been busy over the last three days providing the standard fare of an overprinted Post and Go commemorative plus from Friday  the latest in the ‘Freshwater Life’ series (Rivers) along with On-Demand ‘Post and Go Instant Smilers’ as below:-

[table caption=”Autumn Stampex 2013 Post and Go Stamp availability” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|50|50|50|50″ colalign=”left|left|left|left|left”]
A2,Union Flag/Machin,Union Flag/Machin,F/water Life-Rivers/Union Flag,F/water Life-Rivers/Union Flag
A3,Union Flag/Machin,Union Flag/Machin,F/water Life-Rivers/Union Flag,F/water Life-Rivers/Union Flag
A4,Union Flag/Machin,Union Flag/Machin,Union Flag/Machin,Union Flag/Machin
B1,Union Flag,Union Flag,F/Water Life-Rivers,F/Water Life-Rivers
B2,Machin,Machin,Union Flag,Union Flag

Notes:,B1 and B2 Pre-Order and over-the-counter sales only,Both the ‘Union Flag’ and the Machin Post and Go Stamps had a ‘MA13′ underprint.,Union Flag over printed “The Coronation 60th Anniversary’.



Various improvements have been made since previous events and it was noticed that the  machines benefited from a new-improved faster internet connection allowing for faster throughput of customers resulting in reduced queues compared to previous Stampex events..

York Fair – MA13 Machin and Flags make their appearance

19-20th July 2013 and the latest stop on the ‘Post and Go’ world tour brings two Royal Mail Post and Go machines (A3 and A4) to the York Racecourse

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Seeing double! Post and Go at Midpex 6th July 2013

6th July 2013 and the latest stop on the ‘Post and Go’ world tour brings two Royal Mail Post and Go machines (A3 and A4) to the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre. A surprise though that two machines (rather than the advertised single machine) have been provided to satisfy Dealers (and even a few collectors) needs.

Both machines are loaded with the latest issue of Post & Go Freshwater Life “Lakes” Stamps creating the first opportunity to obtain this issue printed on a Hytech Machine (other than those issued in Pack or FDC format).
In addition to the Post and Go stamps – ‘Midpex’ themed Post and Go Smilers have been issued. 

Available in our Ebay shop Here:-


Left- Screen shot showing the selections available – ‘Lakes’ and ‘Machin’.









2nd April Label Horizon Label Changes

On 2nd April 2013 a new system of “Size Based Pricing” was introduced by Royal Mail. This resulted in the introduction of two new sizes and so new Horizon indicators  – ‘Small Parcel” (1SP 2SP)  and “Medium Parcel”  (1MP 2MP) were introduced which replaced the ‘Packet’ Size (Both of which are available as either 1st or 2nd Class). In addition the ‘Standard Parcel” (SP)  service was withdrawn.

As the size based proces also applies to British Forces numbered destinations via the BFPO corresponding indicators of BSP and BMP were also introduced.


Post and Go Tour Dates 2013


At least one Post and Go machine will be in attendance along with “Instant Smilers” facilities with a custom sheet with a ‘first’ image related to the venue.

‘Overprints’ are only offered at shows with a National or International significance.


The confirmed tour dates for the Post and Go tour 2013 are:-

[event-list initial_date=2013  show_nav=false]



Private overprint appears ‘from Salisbury Stamp Show’

Rather suprisingly an ‘unoffical’ overprint of ‘2nd Class Large’ Machins bearing a  Stampex back office code line has appeared as if they originated from the Royal Mail machines at the Salisbury stamp show. However no back office facilities were provided at Salisbury and so really must be viewed as a ‘Private overprint’ produced elsewhere.

As can be seen from the image the ‘overprint’ -‘ Salsibury Stamp Show 2013’ is rather crude and appears to wander from  left to right and up and down between the stamps.

Does anyone have any further information on these ? Email Brian . This seems a rather worrying development from a collectors point of view.

Post and Go Tour ’13 – Salisbury Stamp Fair March 15th and 16th

Today, 15th March and tomorrow  Saturday 16th March, the Salisbury Stamp show will be taking place at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre, Hulse Rd, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3NR.

As part of  Royal Mail’s Post and Go Tour 2013 two Post and Go machines  vending Post and Go ‘Machin’ and ‘Union Flag’ stamps along with   ‘Post and Go Instant Smilers’ .

The Post and Go stamp offer- the same from machines A3 and A4  – is Machin and Union Flag and aligning with Royal Mails recently published policy, no special overprint is being provided for these smaller provincial stamp fairs.

As with this years Spring Stampex the smiler sheet available includes a ‘venue specific’ image in ‘position 1’  and a choice of either an image taken on an ipad in the venue (A gold postbox is supplied for this purpose)  or some pre-prepared generic images.




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