Mint Gold Machin Labels from Camden Town trial appear on EBay!

A seller on Ebay has been selling Mint Gold Horizon Machin Labels , without apparently knowing what they are!

And at £10.49 for a pair appear to be VERY cheap! (Given that used ones on cover have fetched £40-£50) . However unused sheetlets should not be available…

These should only appear in a used state, affixed to items and for the Special Delivery Trial only that took place in High Street, Camden Town last year.

So where did these come from? – The seller has sold multiples of these..

UPDATE:- Further Mint labels have been listed here by a different seller.

AAX Horizon Label First Day Cover

Cover recently obtained, showing First Day of the new “AAX” Airsure label.


Last Day covers of the Camden Town Trial are still available here:-

Post & Go Double Error from Manchester

One of the Manchester Post & Go Machines continues to produce a rather faulty label- so much that covers have been especially produced . An extra error  is that the date in the datestamp is inverted! Another Nice one!

2004 Trial Of ‘All In One’ Special Delivery Horizon Label

Cover showing example of ‘all in one’ Horizon postage label incorporating a Special Delivery barcoded label which was inserted into the printer in one piece.  Trialled in one branch (Albemarle Street , London W1) in June 2004.

Macclesfield First Day Of Issue

Post & Go Miscut Label Variety

A contributor to this site has reported a nice ‘Miscut’ variety from the Finchley, London  Post&Go Machine, along with the receipt that is generated when the machine detects such an error. Nice One!

The receipt reads “We apologise some items could not be printed, Please present this part of receipt to a member of staff for assistance”.

Broadway, London Post & Go goes live -17th September 2009

A first day cover is shown.

Gold Horizon Machin Head Label-Last Day Cover from Camden Town

An unannounced new Horizon postage label, bearing the Machin Head and with simulated perforations went on trial at Camden High Street Branch only , in London, on Monday 8th June 2009.

Printed by De La Rue in gold with security printing of wavy “ROYAL MAIL”

These labels were used on Royal Mail Special Delivery items only

After three months and three days, the trial has now (11th Sept 2009) come to an end.

No other branches will sell the label or any further extension will occur for the time being.

Any further developments may utilise a different label to that used at Camden High Street Post Office

This cover is available for purchase in our shop at £45

Last Day Of Horizon Gold Machin Head Labels announced!

The Post Office have indicated that the last day of sale of the Horizon Gold Machin Head labels, currently being used at one branch (Camden High Street, London, NW1 ) will be 11th September 2009. No other branches will sell the label  or any further extention will occur for the time being.  Any further developments may utilise a different label to that used at Camden.

A reposting facility will be available for the last day only – All covers must reach Camden Town Crown office by next Friday (Absolutely no back dating will be possible) and payment to cover the Special Delivery rate of at least £4.95 must be made by Postal Order payable to ‘Post Office Ltd’ only.

Covers should be addressed to:

Branch manager
Camden Town Crown office
114-120 Camden High Street,
London, NW1 0RR
It may be necessary to restrict quantities if stock run low. RMSD Covers can only be sent to UK addresses.
(If any overseas customers require covers -please contact me asap-

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