Imperforate Gold Horizon Machin First Day Cover


First Cover Sold for £47

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New Imperforate Gold Machin Horizon Labels Go Live today!

The ‘Type 2’ Gold Machin labels went live today, in a single branch trial at Old Street Crown Office in London.
These labels are as ‘Type 1’ (with psudeo-perforations) but with imperforate edges and rounded corners. It is believed that these have been issued in response to feedback regarding the ‘peelablity’ of the perforated labels. The next stage will their introduction at Chesterfield Branch Office, next week.

Horizon Postage Labels~Full List

Simplified  Horizon Postage  Label Series
Current Label Indicators
Indicator Type Service Notes
1st RM 1st Class Usage now restricted to Articles for Blind
1L RM 1st Class Letter Usage restricted to Recorded Signed For
2L RM 1st Class Letter Usage restricted to Recorded Signed For
1LG RM 1st Class Large Letter
2LG RM 2nd Class Large Letter
1PK RM 1st Class Packet
2PK RM 2nd Class Packet
SD RM Special Delivery
BL RM Letter BFPO Usage restricted to Recorded Signed For
BLG RM Large Letter BFPO
SP RM Standard Parcels
FP RM Fully Paid Reposted Underpaid Airmail
RSF RM Home Shopping Returns+RSF
Introduced 18/04/2011                                         Limited to Val of RSF (Currently 77p)
A RM Airmail
SU RM Surface Mail
AAX RM Airsure Introduced for  Introduction of QH Label
FF RM BFPO Forces Freepost
BF PF BFPO Parcels
PE PF International Economy
PS PF Standard International
Withdrawn Label Indicators
Indicator Carrier Service Notes
2nd RM 2nd Class Withdrawn for Introduction of PiP
1LL RM 1st Class Large Letter Withdrawn for Introduction of QH Label
2LL RM 2nd Class Large Letter Withdrawn for Introduction of QH Label
BLL RM BFPO Large Letter Withdrawn for Introduction of QH Label
P PF/RM Standard Parcels Withdrawn -Replaced by SP
S RM Surface Mail Withdrawn- Replaced by SU
AX RM Airsure Withdrawn for Introduction of QH Label
PF PF Parcelforce Parcels Withdrawn-Replaced By PS/PE
MOR RM Mail Order Returns
RPR RM Packet Post Returns (Recorded)
Withdrawn-17/04/2011-Replaced by RSF

Full Listing of UK Postage Label Indicators ~How big are your gaps?

One of the most common requests I get is for a “simplified listing” of the Horizon Postage Labels currently available (as well as the ones that have been withdrawn), in order that collectors can determine how ‘complete’ their collections are . Shown here is the full list of the 29  Postage Label Indicators, showing the 22 currently being used (and so available on the two different variants of Gold Labels) as well as the 7 types that have already been withdrawn.

For each label shown there is/was a Welsh ‘Bilingual’ version available and two label overprint types- Thin and Thick lettering as well as two Machin gold label types (Original and the “August 10” type).

This makes 44 label overprints (22 English 22 Welsh)  in 2 print styles (Thick and Thin)  on 2 different gold Machin label types as well as the existing white labels whose stocks are currently being rundown ~ who said that ‘The modern collecting alternative’ of UK Postage Label collecting was boring, easy or without variation?..

Don’t forget, however, that many of these labels already have a limited lifespan of future availability- The original white labels are no longer available for Post Offices to order , the ‘Thick’ style (From the original Horizon software) overprint only has a matter of weeks left before it is completely removed – the first variant of the Machin gold label will be not replaced and rumors of plans (apparently)  to remove some of the ‘rarer’ indicators before Xmas ’10 have been circulated…So..fill those gaps now!

Faststamps go pictorial with countrywide ‘Birds’ launch.

Some of the UK’s favourite garden birds will appear on new Post & Go pictorial stamps available from 17 September in 30 Post Office® branches across the UK and Tallents House.

The Garden Birds Post & Go stamps are the first in the Birds of Britain series of pictorial stamps issued by Post & Go terminals, a self service facility which allows customers to weigh their letters and packets, and pay for and print postage labels.

Initially the Garden Birds Post & Go stamps will be available from Post & Go terminals in 30 branches –as wells as at Autumn Stampex  – with the second set in the Birds of Britain series being available from all Post & Go terminals from next year.

The first Post & Go machine was installed at The Galleries Post Office in Bristol in 2007; since then over 170 terminals have been installed in around 100 branches.

Philip Parker, Royal Mail Stamps spokesperson, said: “Birds have long been one of the most popular thematic subjects and for this first set of pictorial Post & Go Stamps we wanted to celebrate the beauty and variety of the UK’s birdlife, starting with the birds that are frequently seen in gardens.

“To assist our selection, we referred to the results of the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch to choose six of the most commonly seen birds, which best reflect the wide range of species gracing both rural and city skies.”

Kate Stephens was commissioned to produce the designs which were illustrated by wildlife artist Robert Gillmor.

Location of Post & Go machines selling Garden Birds pictorial stamps  :-

Location Code No. machines Address
East of England
Stevenage 1 22-23 Westgate, Stevenage, SG1 1QR
Cambridge 1 9-11 St Andrew Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AA
Southend-on-Sea 2 199-201 High Street, Southend-On-Sea, SS1 1LL
Colchester 2 68-70 North Hill, Colchester, CO1 1PX
Castle Mall, Norwich 2 84-85 Castle Meadow Walk, Castle Mall, Norwich, NR1 3DD
Milton Keynes 2 17-19 Crown Walk, Milton Keynes, MK9 3AH
Luton 2 The Arndale Centre, 42-44 Smith Lane, Luton, LU1 2LP
Stampex 2 -Temp-
Old St 2 205 Old Street, London, EC1V 9QN
Trafalgar Sq 4 24-28 William IV Street, London, WC2N 4DL
Croydon 3 10 High Street, Croydon, CR9 1HT
City of London 2 12 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1AJ
Baker St 2 111 Baker Street, London, W1U 6SG
Paddington Quay 2 Unit 6, West End Quay, 4 Praed Street, London, W2 1JE
Nottingham 2 Queen Street, Nottingham, NG1 2BN
Walsall 1 Darwall Street, Walsall, WS1 1AA
Birmingham 2 1 Pinfold Street, Birmingham, B2 4AA
Durham 2 33 Silver Street, Durham, DH1 3RE
York 2 22 Lendal, York, YO1 8DA
Grimsby 2 67-71 Victoria Street, Grimsby, DN31 1AA
Harrogate 2 11 Cambridge Road, Harrogate, HG1 1AA
Corn Exchange, Liverpool 1 India Building, ‘Water Street, Liverpool, L2 0RR
Northern Ireland
Belfast 2 12 – 16 Bridge Street, Belfast  BT1 1LT
Glasgow 3 47 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5QX
Edinburgh 2 8-10 St James Centre, Edinburgh, EH1 3SR
South West
Portsmouth 1 Slindon Street, Portsmouth, PO1 1AB
Truro 3 High Cross, Truro, TR1 2AP
Plymouth 2 5 St Andrews Cross, St Andrews Cross, Plymouth, PL1 1AB
The Galleries, Bristol 2 Castle Gallery, Broadmead, Bristol  BS1 3XX
Exeter 3 28 Bedford Street, Exeter, EX1 1GJ
Cardiff 2 45-46 Queens Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff, CF10 2BY

SOURCE: Aawaz Communications on behalf of Royal Mail

Gold Machin Postage Labels now Nationwide-Countdown to the end of white labels..

The Post Office have confirmed that White Horizon Postage Labels are no longer available for Post Offices to order nationwide  and that all branches are using up old white label stock before using the new Gold Machin labels. It is likely, therefore, that all branches will be using white labels by the end of the year. So which branch will be the last? Watch this space..

Fake and Fantasy Gold Machin Postage Label Covers

There is no end to some peoples ingenuity in ‘Manufacturing’ covers that should not actually exist. Here is a cover that appeared on Ebay , with the vendor suggesting someone actually producing it on the first day in Camden Town – but only Special Delivery items were processed on the first day ,suggesting the item has been backdated.

Post & Go – at the London 2010 Festival of Stamps

Logo London 2010 Post and Go at London 2010 International Stamp Exhibition.

The 8-day London 2010 International Stamp Exhibition featured the finest competitive exhibits from collectors around the world, plus stamp dealers, auctioneers and postal administrations, including a major presence from Royal Mail and the Post Office. This show takes place in London just once every ten years, and the 2010 show was a great success.

7th May 2010-Friday

The Post and Go Kiosk was commissioned by Wincor engineers and went in operation early afternoon and was accessible to dealers and volunteers.

First label printed was numbered 0025 – the postage labels it produced used a trial roll which is on a shiny paper the label is rectangular with rounded corners.

003_Royal Mail

The inscription “ROYAL MAIL” which runs top to bottom on the left of the label is set 4 mm away (Shown on Right) and is in different format compared to the currently used on machines in UK (Shown on Left).
005_Two Labels

004_Recpt WN Logo+WN Add
The receipt consists of WINCOR NIXDORF logo and company address of Wokingham where this prototype machine is based.

The office ID number of 002010 (which denotes London 2010 Festival of Stamps exhibition) and machine number of “0” was printed on the label.

8th May 2010 – Saturday

Machine went live to public as from 10am still producing labels from trial roll and receipt as per 004 till midday when the machine developed a problem. This was resolved by a member of Post Office staff. The machine was reset and printed receipt now had Post Office logo with Wincor Nixdorf address of Wokingham.

006_Recpt PO Logo+WN Add

Around 2.30pm the trial roll ran out and a new roll was installed. This had standard rectangle labels with serrated top and bottom

008_2_Recpt PO Logo +Fest Stamp Add


11th May 2010 – Tuesday

Between 10.30 – 11.15 a member of Post Office staff decided to change the address of Wincor Nixdorf, Wokingham to read Festival of Stamps, Islington on the system.

The last label printed with Wincor address was at 10:23am and the first one with Festival of Stamps was 11.15am.

007_Std Label

Gold Horizon Labels at London 2010

As part of the London 2010 exibition the Post Office has provided counter facilities – using the Gold Machin Labels!

This item and similar can be purchased here:-

London 2010~A Festival Of Labels!

As part of the festival of stamps taking place from tomorrow, Royal Mail have provided Post Office facilities which include a Post Office counter facility.

As well as the counter there is a Post and Go machine with labels specially configured with a ‘2010’ codes:-

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