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Fake and Fantasy Gold Machin Postage Label Covers

There is no end to some peoples ingenuity in ‘Manufacturing’ covers that should not actually exist. Here is a cover that appeared on Ebay , with the vendor suggesting someone actually producing it on the first day in Camden Town – but only Special Delivery items were processed on the first day ,suggesting the item […]

Post & Go – at the London 2010 Festival of Stamps

Post and Go at London 2010 International Stamp Exhibition. The 8-day London 2010 International Stamp Exhibition featured the finest competitive exhibits from collectors around the world, plus stamp dealers, auctioneers and postal administrations, including a major presence from Royal Mail and the Post Office. This show takes place in London just once every ten years, […]

Gold Horizon Labels at London 2010

As part of the London 2010 exibition the Post Office has provided counter facilities – using the Gold Machin Labels! This item and similar can be purchased here:-

London 2010~A Festival Of Labels!

As part of the festival of stamps taking place from tomorrow, Royal Mail have provided Post Office facilities which include a Post Office counter facility. As well as the counter there is a Post and Go machine with labels specially configured with a ‘2010’ codes:-

Gold struck in Oxfordshire!

An Office in Oxfordshire has been mis-supplied with ‘Welsh gold’ labels..

A Little piece of Wales~In Kent!-Horizon Online Gold Postage Labels Error

Further to earlier reports, I now have examples of Gold Horizon Machin Labels, issued in Kent in the BR5 postcode area, in error. Additionally, these are of the ‘Horizon Online’ type with narrorower lettering (see below)- of which there are only about 750 Post Offices currently upgraded.

Gold Horizon Machin Labels appear outside of Wales!

It has been reported today that a distribution of the Gold Machin Horizon Labels has taken place outside of Wales!-to some Branches in Kent – Further details to follow- in the meanwhile-check with your local PO to get some before they are withdrawn..

Welsh Gold Machin Horizon Label~FDC 20th April 2010

It has now been confirmed that the First Day of use of the Gold Horizon Labels in Wales was yesterday, April 20th 2010

Return of the Gold Machin Horizon Label~This time to Wales!

The De La Rue printed ‘Gold Machin’ postage labels, previously trialed at ‘Camden Town High Street Crown Office’ will shortly return to use at Post Office Counters ~ This time, initially at least, the distribution of the labels will be restricted to Post Offices in Wales.

‘r De La Rue ‘n argraffedig “Gold Machin” llythyrdoll labels , ‘n flaenorol trialed am “Camden Dref ‘n Dal Hystryd Chorona Office” ewyllysia ‘n anhydwf ddychwelyd at arfer am Llythyrdy Counters ~ Hon amsera , ‘n ddechreuol o leiaf , ‘r ddosbarthiad chan ‘r labels ewyllysia bod restricted at Llythyrdai i mewn Cymru.

User Registration Email Issue Now Fixed

The Issue with our server which has prevented some users from receiving their ‘user registration’ email has now been fixed. Please use the ‘lost password’ option to request a new password, which should be received within a few minutes . Click here and enter your email. Thanks Brian

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