Latest Horizon Labels appear in operational Post Offices

Horizon Postage Label

Following on from their introduction at Europhilex 2015, the latest design of Horizon Postage Label has now been seen in day to day use in operational (not event) Post Offices.

The example shown is from Moorgate Post Office a few days prior to relocation of that office.

Europhilex launch for updated ‘precanceled’ Horizon Labels

At Europhilex 2015, as is usual with International Exhibitions in London, as well as the usual Royal Mail ‘Philatelic’ offering, an operational Post Office was established on the gallery.

As part of this and similar to London 2010 where the now widespread  ‘Gold’ Horizon had its ‘First Day’ , Post Office Ltd introduced the latest updated design of Postage Label, with reduced size Queens Head (to allow for more information to be printed) and change to a colour more reminiscent of ‘2000’ Machin stamps.

The first day of use (and therefore introduction of the base label) was 13th May 2015. This is believed to be followed by a limited use in selected branches in the following weeks.

As can be seen, as well as the change of colour, the design features a reduced size Queens Head (Previously announced by Royal Mail at the BPMA Friends Open Day at Debden a year ago on 17th May 2014) and a ‘precancel’ to serve as a reminder that items bearing labels cannot be reused, even though they are not routinely postmarked or cancelled.

The increased ‘white space’ is understood to be made available for a future change in the overprint itself.

NCR Self Service kiosks reach UK Post Offices- A new era for stamp collecting.

On 28th February 2014 , the UK Post Office launched Self Service ‘Postal Kiosks’ manufactured by NCR corporation into the Crown Post Office branch in Harpenden, Herts.

NCR Post Office Self Service Machines

Kiosks number ’67’ and ’68’ became operational on Friday 28th February 2014 in the Crown Office Branch in Harpenden, Herts.

These kiosks , similar to those seen worldwide (such as those in Australia) take the self service of the acceptance of Post Items to the next level.

NCR kiosks short and wider than the existing Wincor units that are currently found in over 200 Post Offices, feature faster processing of almost all Royal Mail and Parcelforce products that are usually only available at the counter.

Customers can choose from 8 different stamps for later use or process their mail quickly and easily using the intuitive touch screen- which produces  a never-seen-before Open Value (or ‘OV’) Stamp.

Almost all mail can be processed though the kiosks- both letters and parcels -including inland first and second class mail, International mail and priority mail that includes tracking and delivery guarantee worldwide.

For stamp collectors these new range of stamps-  have become available for the first time, featuring the ‘Iconic Machin Queens Head’ image combined with  electronic information printed at the point of mails acceptance -they are sure to prove very popular with collectors and customers alike. Welcome to the 21st Century Post Office!

2nd Class Letter NCR Kiosk OV Stamp

2nd Class Letter OV Stamp







For more information see (Log-In Required)

Post and Go Robins Appear with MA12 security code

Today the Christmas 2012 Re-issue of the Post and Go Robins have started to appear in Post Office Branches.

They have, for the first time for Post and Go stamps, a in-built ‘Security code’ to identify them from the 2010 variant and the future 2013 printing.


Two Olympic Post Offices to open- But will we be able to Post & Go?

  Two Post Office new branches will open in the Athletes Village Plaza and Main Press Centre in Stratford’s Olympic Park.

As well as offering a range of Post Office services, they will offer customers the chance to view the heritage of the London Olympic Games. There will be displays of stamps issued for the 1948 Games, plus the 30 stamps created to celebrate the 30th Olympic Paralympic Games.

The services available include first and second class mail for letters and packets, international mail for letters and small packets, Post Office card accounts, international money transfer via MoneyGram

There will be a chance to buy Royal Mail Smiler postage stamps, personalised with a photo in a special, limited edition souvenir pack commemorating the Games, plus a small collection of mail products and other souvenirs.

Royal Mail will also issue a stamp after each Team GB gold medal, depicting each winner. These will also be for sale across 5,000 different Post Office branches.

The new branches will be open seven days a week from 8am to 9pm through the Games, expecting to serve more than 30,000 people.

My Question is- Will they have any Self Service/Post and Go machines available? Will non-ticket holders/athletes  be able to purchase these items?

The (Post and Go) Future is here!

Ive seen the future and the future is self service   – Wincor-Nixdorf style times ten!

A new style ‘futuristic’ Post Office branch, which has been recently refitted with ten Wincor-Nixdorf Post and Go machines has opened for business in Birmingham town centre.

The Pinfold Street, Birmingham Post Office Branch is the first of a brand new type of Branch (Known as a ‘Premier’) which promotes a whole new concept of self-service to customers.

Photo Gordon Griffiths

The ten Post & Go machines are spead around the brnach in clusters of 2 or 3 – and the branch staff mingle with the customers to assist customers with posting items and any other transactions.


The ten post and go machines have all been upgraded to V2 and offer Special Delivery , Recorded Delivery and International services- except one (Kiosk No. 10) which minus the postal weigh scales is reserved for the sale of stamps and payment for retail items.

No.10 Kiosk results in a Kiosk ID of Zero on the stamps and labels.

As well as being the first Premier Branch, The first branch to have ten post and go machines it is also the first branch to use a new, foldable, ‘mini’ date stamp, currently reserved for ‘customer side’ use on Post and Go receipts.

Horizon Label overprint ‘dashed and slashed’ resulting in Welsh truncations!

In what appears to be  software changes to the Post Office counter printer software, which became visible around 30th December 2010, the “date seperator” overprinted on the Horizon Postage label has changed from ‘-‘  back to its ‘Horizon’ setting of   ‘/’. Thus giving a new date format of dd/mm/yy.

As well as the chnages to the format of the printed date , this change appears also to have had the effect in some Welsh branches  with the bilingual version of the overprint of causing the ‘l’ of Post Brenhinol (The Welsh equivalent of ‘Royal Mail’)  to be omitted from all labels printed in those offices that print the Bilingual version of the Horizon Postage Label in Wales. This has resulted in labels issued with the text  “Post Brenhino ”

It will be interesting to see how long this configuration lasts. Watch this space..

Machin Post and Go Faststamps Set of Five ~ For Sale~ ATM Shop

Machin Head Post and Go stamps have been dispensed from Wincor-Nixdorf kiosks in the UK since 2008.
There are two versions of the print – one printed by the kiosk at Post Offices across the UK and another press-printed version of the original font set available from the Philatelic Bureau at Tallents House in a presentation card.
The labels can be obtained with 5 different service indicators: 1st class & 1st class Large up to 100gr, Europe up to 20gr, Worldwide up to 10gr and 20gr, singly or in strips of up to 5 of the same value or various values.
For those that are printed by machine there are two further versions of the oveprint- original and updated font (see below) , for these we supply a strip of the five different values currently available in a special ‘collectors strip’ and offer a choice of machine code (when available) and font.



During 2009, In preparation for the pending issue of Pictorial (Birds) Faststamps some 32 Post Office branches had their kiosks’ software upgraded which resulted in the repositioning and resizing of the font.
Postage is FREE to all worldwide destinations~ We ship anywhere! click here to purchase ;
Click here to purchase
Select the strip required and click ‘add to cart’:-

Hastings Old Town “Essentials” Post and Go kiosk is on the move..

. . Thanks to a correspondent to this blog, who has reported that the Post and Go kiosk installed at the Premier store at Hastings, Old Town in 2008 was this week removed for  installation in ‘pastures new’ In latter times it appeared to be rather ‘unloved’ hidden behind some crisp boxes and rather under utilised~ This is a great shame as the mantra here obviously is ‘use it or lose it’ and it appears that the good citizens of Hastings, Old Town have lost their machine. It just remains to be seen where this particular kiosk ‘resurfaces’- watch this space.

London treasure hunt provides fruitful for Faststamp collectors!

Many faststamp/ATM collectors took the opportunity to visit the various ‘upgraded’ Post and Go Locations  across central London today,  with impressive results. Firstly the Post and Go self-serve facility at Ludgate/Tudor Street provided an unannounced source of pictorial Faststamps having been provided by the Post Office for dealers to obtain large quantities of labels, without impacting other ‘usual’ customers (Ludgate has four Post and Go kiosks and so has capacity for such a facility).

However, much more spectacularly the ‘No 1 ‘ kiosk at the City Of London branch office provided an opportunity to obtain examples of labels where the software upgrade had not been applied successfully and even corrupted the overprint producing a stunning ‘missing  weight’ variant.