Post & Go -Part 2 Wincor Nixdorf

 The ‘Post and Go’ story continues in September 2008 with the roll-out of 20 Wincor Nixdorf ProPostal 2000 machines, commencing on 8th October 2008 in Bristol at ‘The Galleries’ Branch where two Nixdorf machines will replace the existing Fujitsu ones. These machines will vend two distinct and very different labels.


The larger type is for items to be posted ‘immediately’- these have a ‘Post By’ date on them indicating their validity.




  ‘Fast Stamp’ type to be taken away for later use- Yes a Real UK Postage Label- after 24 years wait..

As the ‘Faststamps’ labels, prior to overprint, have two phosphor bands, they are only available in 1st Class and ‘Overseas’ varients.


Sample of GB QuickstampA Sample of GB ‘Fast stamp’ printed on UK Post Office ‘Base’ label stock- note the ‘Royal Mail’ Imprint.

RM Imprint on Quick Stamp

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